Trening for Hjernen (mini-artikkel)

Fysisk trening har en rekke positive effekter, men noe det ikke snakkes så mye om er de mange positive effektene på hjernen og kognitiv funksjon. Jamie Hale (MS. i ‘Experimental Psychology’, og PT) har en flott liten artikkel om akkurat dette:

Noen utdrag:

– «Randomized trials demonstrate the efficacy of aerobic or resistance training exercise (2–4 months) as a treatment for depression in both young (Nabkasorn et al., 2006) and older (Blumenthal et al., 1999) individuals. The antidepressant effect of exercise in humans has been shown to be just as potent as that of serotonergic medications (Babyak et al., 2000).»

– «Exercise is shown to benefit individuals with Parkinson’s.»

– «Neurogenesis, growth of new neurons, is often enhanced in exercising human and non-human animals.»

– «The majority of research examining brain and exercise is focused on aerobic exercise… Research also indicates the anaerobic exercise can be beneficial to the brain…»

Foto: giulia.forsythe:

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